Sunday 14 September 2014

If any reader of my blog ever needed proof of my essential message - that school is a waste of time, energy and most of all potential - I recommend that you watch Educating the East End, a Channel 4 series currently showing.

At the suggestion of a friend, I watched last Thursday's episode and felt, at varying times, angry, amused, and bewildered.

We never saw any classroom interaction but merely a set of 'cat and mouse' games between the staff and the pupils over the breaking of petty rules, all made by the adults, the very people who would claim that they are producing self-confident graduates with a good sense of what democracy means.  Yet schools are the most undemocratic, authoritarian regimes in society.

Teachers kept challenging one boy to be 'like a man'.  But boys are not men and their behaviour needs to be looked upon as such.  That's not to say that we should make excuses for anti-social behaviour in the young, but we should look into why such behaviour exists and how best to deal with it, rather than the usual I make the rules - you break them - punishment must ensue.

So long as we view children as a different species from adults, the present attitudes towards school will never really change.  I am not optimistic.

1 comment:

  1. One of my late uncles was a school teacher at a boarding school. One day a pupil slipped off to the Ascot races, and found himself standing right next to my uncle, who was his housemaster. "Ah," said the boy, with some presence of mind, "how is my twin brother Jeremy who is in your house?" "He is very well," came the reply. "Please give him my regards," said the boy.
    On his rounds that night, Coleridge came into the boy's room and said: "I saw your twin brother at the races today. I don't ever want to see him there again."
