Sunday 24 May 2015

This is my 52nd post on my blog and therefore a first birthday.
My readers will have gathered by now that everything that I have written has been the result of many years experience as a teacher, and by studying the ideas and insights of some of the most perceptive and thought-provoking minds in the fields of education and psychology.  People like Homer Lane, A.S.Neill, Bertrand Russell, Paul Goodman, Elena Belotti, John Holt, Bruno Bettelheim, John Gatto - all worth reading and pondering on.
I am aware that very few people follow my blog.  Conventionally, a blog is an up-to-date diary, whereas mine is merely a platform for my views.  From feedback I know that most of my readers prefer an anecdote to a rant about school being the enemy of education.  I can't promise that the next year will be any different.  I welcome comments.
Thank you for reading my blog - whoever you are!


  1. Happy Blog-Birthday! Congratulations on keeping up the commitment and getting to this stage. All the best for the coming year, I look forward to being informed, challenged and entertained for another 52 weeks. Thanks
